Dear Community of Rowen
The GCRCG AGM took place on 18th November. The minutes can be found below.
Thank you
Rowen Community Group
AGM Minutes Draft Full 18 November 2021
Dear Community of Rowen
At the Special General Meeting last Thursday, the Motion to adopt the 2021 Constitution was passed unanimously by the 10 people present and the 3 linked in by Zoom. We had 4 Proxy Votes also in favour.
The AGM is coming up on 18th November, 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. Numbers will be limited to 30.
Anyone who would like to now join the Committee should make themselves known to the Secretary at by Wednesday 3rd November so the necessary discussions and paperwork can be completed.
Thank you
Rowen Community Group
22nd October – The Motion was passed unanimously last night. Thank you to all who participated.
The Grwp Cymunedol Rowen Community Group invite you to a Special General Meeting (SGM) on 21st October 2021, starting at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Rowen.
The purpose of this SGM is to vote on the proposed new Constitution. The Committee wish to update the 2017 Constitution for the following reasons:
- To make it easier to volunteer and to keep the Committee fresh and energised we are introducing a 3-year ‘term in office’ (no open-ended commitment)
- To encourage more people to be involved and offer wider representation of the whole community of Rowen, membership will be available to all residents and those who contribute to the life of Rowen, whether they live, work or generally invest themselves in the community.
- To make it easier for more people to have their voice heard, we are formalising Proxy Voting. This was introduced during the pandemic and it worked well, enabling more people to express themselves. We hope this will continue.
- To incorporate things we have learnt over the past few years some of the clauses have been tightened for greater clarity eg how voting is carried out in a meeting.
- To have a more robust ‘governing document’ for challenging or unusual circumstances. The recent lockdowns, unsurprisingly(!), highlighted gaps in the current document regarding convening and participating in meetings during a pandemic. We are capturing the hard work that addressed this last year should it be necessary in the future (though hopefully not!)
The Committee very much hope you can be with us – however, numbers in the Hall are restricted to 30 so it will be worth turning up promptly. When we have reached capacity, regrettably we will not be able to let more in. However, we will be providing proxy voting forms and we are also considering the use of Zoom for those who have the facilities. If you wish to participate by Zoom, please let the Secretary know and she will keep you informed of progress on that front.
The documents have been posted in the Memorial Hall and can be found here:
Any questions can be addressed to the Secretary at
GCRCG Committee
Please find below the papers associated with the 2020 AGM
AGM Minutes Public 19 November 2020 Scene setting 2 Results of Voting Summary Doc re Feedback public
Summary Doc re Feedback public