36 sets of reusable cups, plates and bowls for children’s parties .
Rowen Memorial Hall is a popular venue for parties.
Guests should be asked to park on the road near the flagpole, to avoid congestion in the shared-use car park.
We can accommodate about 60 people at tables.
“Bring a dish” parties are well-liked. Everybody brings their favourite dish. Some guests may prefer to make a donation, instead of bringing a dish. You may wish to make a list of who is bringing what, to avoid duplication.
We can provide crockery and cutlery. There is no need for you to bring disposable cups and plates, and definitely no single-use cutlery please. See kitchen inventory
Do you really need to provide bottled water? Our tap water is excellent quality.
Please bring tea towels.
The gas cooker is fine for warming up pre-cooked food, eg. soup. Making a 3-course meal from scratch is over-ambitious.
Take home any recyclables. We do not have a recycling bin.
Bring bin bags and take home any bulky waste.
You are welcome to use the Hall fridge. Leftover cake can be left in the fridge!
Decorations in the Hall are welcome. Please use Blutack. Sellotape leaves sticky marks on the walls and windows.
You are welcome to bring alcoholic drinks to share with over 18s.
Please leave the Hall clean and tidy and report any problems.
email memorialhall@rowenconwy.org.uk
Updated August 2022