From the Committee

To the Rowen Community

We held our first quarterly meeting of the Rowen Community Group in the Memorial Hall on Thursday 27 January.  Minutes have been posted.

Rowen Zoom Facility


GCRCG has acquired a Zoom licence that will allow up to 100 people 24 hours per meeting together.   In practice, that is far more and far longer than we have needed to date, but being able to hold meetings that last longer than 40 minutes is very helpful. The cost was again covered by Rowen Memorial Hall Committee.


As we move into the winter, and look into 2022, having a facility that will allow more broad networking and communication may well prove invaluable.  It will also facilitate the village’s Committees having more regular meetings together.


We can only operate one zoom meeting at a time so the GCRCG Secretary will need to be the co-ordinator and maintain a bookings diary.


The facility is available to Rowen Memorial Hall and GCRCG Committees and can be made available to other village based groups upon request.



A dedicated email address – – has been set up with which to log-in.

You will need to have loaded the Zoom App onto your device – please note it does not tend to work so easily on a mobile phone.

After your meeting, please remember to sign out.

The password will change regularly, and the current one can be obtained from the Secretary, Gwenan Jones


GCRCG – December 2021



The efforts, acts of kindness and generosity of many people in our Community has been recognised in the letters below:

CYMRAEG Letter to Third Sector Volunteers

ENGLISH Letter to Third Sector Volunteers


Attention all members of The Rowen Community



The evening was a great success, despite the weather.  Thank you to all who helped organise, and to those who came.  The tree now looks resplendent in the heart of the village.

The Craft Group’s Coffee morning was also a great success It was the most successful yet, and the Craft Group “have been able to donate £400 each to Awyr Las (for the cardiac diagnostic vehicle) and Conwy Food Bank”




The AGM was held on 18th November.

The Committee is:

Sean Brand

Janet Haworth (Vice Chair)

Gwenan Jones

John Burtonwood (Treasurer)

Dennis Oliver

Charles Hawkins (Chair)

Goronwy Edwards




We are here as your representatives to help put your wishes for the village into action. With the mix of experience and perspectives on the committee, we seek to work for the benefit of all within the Rowen community.
It should go without saying, but we will anyway – a Community Group needs a Community.  We need your input, your ideas and, yes, your time. We cannot ‘do’ everything ourselves and we trust that as ideas arise, you will want to get involved.

The whole Committee looks forward to getting to know the Community increasingly well and we are looking forward to serving you all.

From the Rowen Community Group.

Constitution  Click here to see the Rowen Community Group constitution.



Rowen flagpole, provided by the Community Group.

Planting crocus bulbs near the flagpole

Rowen residents regularly plant over 500 crocus bulbs under the Willow.
Crocus flowers are a great source of early pollen for the bees.
Pictures from Annabel Meayers.

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