Rowen Memorial Hall hire charges

Updated  January2024
Our hire charges include use of the kitchen, electric screen and BT superfast WiFi.  No hidden extras.
We welcome enquiries for new bookings.
We will be happy to show you round the Memorial Hall.
The Hall Committee reserves the right to decline a booking, or to vary the terms and charges at its discretion.

Morning, afternoon or evening sessions

Not exceeding 3 hours each, six or more bookings per year.

Not exceeding 3 hours each
Fewer than six bookings per year   £25


Children’s parties


Full day

Morning and afternoon


Business users

£65 all day

Memorial Hall plus Playing Field

Price on application

Late night parties

Sorry, we do not take bookings for late night noisy drinking parties, because they lead to complaints from neighbours.


Keys are issued to regular users.  Other users can borrow a key from us.


The Hall is covered by an Allied Westminster Village Halls Policy.


The Hall is fitted with ramps, handrails and an accessible toilet.


The Hall has a Conwy County Borough Council Premises Licence, and a Music Licence.  Our licenses are displayed in the Hall.

The Hall does not have an alcohol licence.

Payment by bank transfer (preferred) or by cash or cheque payable to Rowen Memorial Hall please.

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