Pictures taken by Peter McFadden, April and May 2020
Falstaff apple, great cropper with Apricot tree behind
Water butts, filled from house rear gutter. Next to raised beds, which quickly dry out.
Very young peaches in the greenhouse
No-dig raised beds, filled with home-made compost.
Strawberries from Rowen Plant Swap
Seedlings in greenhouse
Pond and house. Pond is filled from house front gutter.
Nuthatches on bird feeder
Lavender, bought as a plug plant from Lidl.
Kiwi fruit vine
Horse and rider in yard
Good crop of figs to come
Egyptian walking onion, perennial.
Comfrey plantation, raised in 2019 from root cuttings from one plant. Good for compost, mulch, liquid feed and the bees love it. Can be cut three or four times a year.
Broad beans and lettuce
Bird cherry, 3 months after pollarding.
Beetroot and mange tout
Acer and old wall steps
Asian pears, tasty fruit but poor croppers.
Adams Pearmain apple, planted in 2002.
New soft fruit bed, now mulched with grass clippings.