Tal y Fan Fell Race results 2024

Saturday 13th July 2024 during Rowen Carnival.

2024 results….

Tal y fan results 2024 (1)

Course records

Male   Female  
Time Year Time Year
Under 23     Lili Minton-Roberts 01:44:53 2024
Under 40 Matthew Speake 01:05:03 2009 Ailish Graham 01:19:25 2021
Over 40 Rob Grantham 01:09:36 2015 Sarah Ridgway 01:19:37 2015
Over 50 Arwel Lewis 01:15:22 2010 Sarah Barnwell 01:36:39 2022
Over 60 Russell Owen 01:19:02 2019 Jackie Scarf 01:48:36 2024
Over 70 Emyr Davies 01:36:07 2013

Illustrated map of route  Please print a copy and bring it with you.

Ras Tal y Fan runner instructions (1)

Ras Tal y Fan
The Tal y Fan fell race is 8 miles (12.8km) over varied terrain, with nearly 800m of ascent, much of it in the first two miles of the course.  You need to be able to navigate, as although there are marshals at the checkpoints and at the various gates/stiles around the course, the route is unmarked.  Prior experience of fell running is recommended.  There is a cut-off at the first check point at 45 minutes.


The race forms part of the Rowen Village Carnival.  Please use the Carnival Parking, which will be signposted from the edge of the village.   This is normally at Cefn Cae Farm LL32 8YU (courtesy of Meirion and Gwenan Jones).  Follow the campsite signs, turning right immediately after the Ty Gwyn pub LL32 8YU, and follow instructions from the car park marshals.

Use the stile to access the Memorial Hall Playing Field.

Collect your race number from the gazebo.  Numbers will be issued on the day.  Number collection is from 12.30pm onwards.

Bring your own safety pins.

Toilets in the Memorial Hall and public toilets in the village car park.

Start times

The race will start at 2pm, but please be ready at 1.50pm for a head count and final briefing.

All runners need to carry a waterproof top / map of course / compass and whistle.
Race numbers are to be attached to the front of your vest, clearly visible at a distance for the marshals to record.

Should there be a queue at any of the stiles – please be polite and wait nicely.

No dogs.

Results / Finish

We will aim to start the prize giving at around 4pm.
Results will be published on the WFRA and RunWales websites.

Please contact helen@isallt.co.uk for info.


Updated July 2023

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